Meet the Team

Small enough to be a family, big enough to have an adventure.

Denmead Day Care offer flexible options for looking after your child


Owner / Manager / SENCo / ELSA

Naomi P (DSL)

Deputy / Baby Lead


Admin Assistant

Naomi D

Admin Assistant


Baby Bees


Baby Bees


Bees Apprentice


Turtle Toddler Lead


Pre-School Penguins


Turtle Toddlers


Level 3 Support Staff

The Role of the DSL Lead and ELSA


Safeguarding is vital for everyone who works with children and young people, whether it’s in a school, college, charity, place of worship, healthcare practice, or other type of premises. It requires full commitment from all staff in the organisation – as it’s everyone’s duty to look after children – particularly the designated safeguarding lead .

The responsibilities of a designated safeguarding lead include:
Being available for all staff to discuss any safeguarding issues or concerns.
Ensuring that cases of suspected or actual child protection or safeguarding concerns are referred to the appropriate agencies.
The DSL will gather further information and evidence if needed.
Ensuring that all staff are fully trained in safeguarding and know how to spot and raise concerns.
Undergoing regular refresher training.
Ensuring that adequate reporting and recording systems are in place for safeguarding procedures, and that there are appropriate transferal procedures for records if students move.
Ensuring that the school’s safeguarding policies and procedures are up to date.
Complying with any Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) requirements. Ensuring their organisation has sufficient safer recruitment procedures.
Being aware of any children who may require specific safeguarding needs and have specific vulnerabilities.


There will always be children facing life challenges that affect their ability to engage with learning.

Some will require greater support to increase their emotional literacy than others. ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists.

It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed.

What is Emotional Literacy?
Understanding and coping with the feelings about ourselves and others.
Developing high self-esteem and positive interactions with others.
Being emotionally literate helps children focus better on their learning.

ELSA sessions take place in a calm, safe space for the child to feel supported and nurtured.

In ELSA we aim to provide support for a wide range of emotional needs:

Recognising emotions
Social skills
Friendship skills
Anger management
Loss and bereavement



A SENCo, or Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, is responsible for overseeing assessment, planning and monitoring the progress of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They may also be known as a SENDCo.

If you think there may be something holding your child back, express those concerns to your child's keyworker, who will refer you to our SENCo. If your child has not been diagnosed as having a special need, but you think things are not progressing as they should, have a meeting with the SENCo.

Our SENCo has completed extensive training to be able to support your child to the best of their ability, and will have contact with the relevant agencies to be able to support your child both in and out of the nursery. They will ensure a smooth transition between pre-school and primary school.

The SENCo may also make a recommendation for an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan), which will be completed with you in the setting. This is a document devised to support you child at the nursery and beyond.

Please contact our team if you have any concerns regarding your child's development.